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Glossary of Technical Terms for Book Design and Printing
  AA   Binder's Board  
  Abreviations   Binding  
  Adhesive   Black Letter  
  Agate   Bleed  
  Alignment   Blind Folio  
  Alterations   Blind Stamp  
  Ampersand   Block Quotes  
  Anti-aliasing   Blow Up  
  Archival   Blurb  
  Artifacts   Body Type  
  Ascender   Bold  
  Author's Alterations   Book Cloth  
  B&W   Book Paper  
  Back Matter   Brackets  
  Backbone   Break Line  
  Baseline   Broadside  
  Basis Weight   Buckram  
  Bastard Title   Bulking Dummy  
  Bézier Curves   Bullet  
LL Art
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Copyright © 1982-2008 Walton Mendelson, except as noted. All rights reserved.
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