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Glossary of Technical Terms on Book Design and Printing
  Imagsetter   Kerning  
  Imposition   Kill  
  Impression   LAB  
  Imprint   Laserjet Printing  
  Indent   Latin Alphabet  
  Inferior Figure   Layer  
  Initial   Layout  
  Ink   Leaders  
  Inkjet Printing   Leading  
  Ink Rotation   Leaf  
  Insert   Legend  
  Introduction   Letterspacing  
  ISBN   Letterpress  
  Italic   Ligature  
  Jacket   Line Copy  
  Jpeg   Line Gauge  
  Justify   Lining Figures  
  Justify all lines   Logotype  
  Justify with center   Lorem Ipsum  
  Justify with left   Lossless  
  Justify with right   Lossy  
  Kern   Lowercase  
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Copyright © 1982-2008 Walton Mendelson, except as noted. All rights reserved.
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