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Free Downloads from 12on14 & Links

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Internet Explorer Users:

Internet Explorer will block PDFs by default, on my system it simply crashes. I have inlcuded ZIP files for each document. These should download with no problem.


Sending Files

HighTail: Use the link on this PDF to upload. HT ZIP.


Copyright: 6 page FAQs, with sources. CR ZIP
Visual Art Works: 46 page guide from the Library of Congress interpreting and explaining copyright law and visual art works and related matter. VAW ZIP
Copyright in Derivative Works and Compilations: 4 page brochure on derivative works DW&C ZIP
International Copyright Relations: 15 page guide from the Library of Congress to international copyright relations. ICR ZIP
Works for Hire: 4 page guide from the Library of Congress about works for hire WH ZIP
Copyright Term & Public Domain: 11 page guide for the copyright terms in the US, from Cornell University. PD ZIP
Copyright Law of the United States: the complete 367 page text of the US Copyright Law USCL ZIP
Compendium of US Copyright Office Practices: 1288 page guide to how the Copyright Office interprets the USCL CoCL ZIP

UK Copyright Basics: 32 page guide to copyright from the Intellectual Property Office. UKC ZIP



Glossary of CreateSpace Terms: 9 page; from CreateSpace, their glossary. CSG ZIP
Prepress Glossary: 79 pages, illustrated prepress glossary; from 12on14 PP ZIP

Type & Typography: 112 pages; from the basic of typography, with a fully illustrated 30 page type glossary, and 60 type sheets for serif fonts suitable for book text using Word and Windows fonts, and serif fonts from FontSquirrel; from 12on14. TT ZIP


Guides: CS, KDP Print, Spark, Barnes & Noble

KDP Print: this is the guide to printing trade paperback books through KDP Print KDP ZIP

PDF Submission Specifications: this is the 64 page guide for preparing books for printing by CreateSpace. The annotated text, correcting errors in this guide and explanations is contained in Bleeds & Margins. CS ZIP

Amazon Kindle Publishing Guidelines: 100 page guide covers all aspects of building your book for Kindle. K ZIP

Ingram/Spark File Create Guide: 37 page guide to creating compliant files for Spark. IS ZIP
Barnes & Noble Print Books on Demand Formatting Guide: 40 page guide to formatting for B & N BNZIP

Guides: from 12on14

Make Your Own Cover (Part 1): NEW 30 page PDF on making your cover in GIMP. Part 1 is a step by step guide to making a basic cover. Part 2 will cover basics of working in GIMP. Part 1 needs a little more on image adjustments. CVR ZIP
CS vs KDP Print: 3 page PDF comparing CreateSpace to KDP Print CSKDP ZIP
Bleeds & Margins: 91 page with: annotated CS Guidelines and PDF Submission Specifications, and graphic examples of cover templates, bleeds, and margins. B&M ZIP
Corrupt or Complex Text: 2 page answer to CS's blocking issue, "your project is either too complex or corrupt to print." How to fix your file using Acrobat. CC ZIP
CS Digital—Digital Sampler: 42 page test book showing CreateSpace's printing capabilities. The print book can be ordered and compared to this PDF, which is the uploaded file used by CS. CSD ZIP
Fallacies, Fables, and Fiction: 181 pages, the first draft of a how-to book on writing, editing, and building your book. FFF ZIP
Grayscale Images: 5 pages showing how to convert color to grayscale images GS ZIP
Images in Books: 17 pages showing how to prepare and use images in CreateSpace books I ZIP
PDF: 7 page guide to creating PDFs for CreateSpace PDF ZIP
Resolution: 4 page explanation of resolution for images used in CS projects R ZIP
Tic: How to Fix It: 9 page guide to fixing TIC issues. Total ink coverage (total area coverage) is not an issue with CS, but it is for working with Ingram Spark. TIC ZIP

Widows & Orphans: 4 page guide to fixing widows, orphans, loose and tight lines of type. WO ZIP



ISBN: a 7 page guide to ISBN's and CS. ISBN ZIP
ISBN Manual: 31 page International ISBN Agency's ISBN Manual IM ZIP

ISBN: link to list of foreign ISBN agencies: https://www.isbn-international.org/agencies



Formatting for Publishers: 22 page generic guide to how to format novels, screenplays, and stage plays for submitting to mainstream publishers. FP ZIP
Mechanics: a 40 page guide to punctuation and mechanics. M ZIP

Worksheets: worksheets for writing and editing your book: style, character, and scene skeets, and a proofreader's marks. WS ZIP



Templates for Micro Books: for microbooks. 8.5 x 11 paper folded to make 4, 8, 16, and 32page micro books. To read more: Templates.
Isles of Melancholy and Madness: The Music of Frederick Sommer: Complete zipped file, 54MB. In two suites. "Moroccan Leather," tracks 1-8; "Isles of Melancholy and Madness," tracks 9-20. My comment is: bravo! The music stands up to the best of 20th century avant-garde composers like Philip Glass and Steve Reich. — Kelly Everling, Rain Taxi Review. 24-page full color booklet, with all the scores.
Visual Art: 20 pages, selected digital collage, drawing and painting, and photographs. VA ZIP

Collage: An article explaining how I make collage. C ZIP


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